using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace GLS
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("This Utility calculates GLS Parcel numbers.");
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Please press:\n- (n) to enter a new Number to generate\n- (c) to clear the console\n- (q) to quit the application");
// read key from console
ConsoleKeyInfo cki = Console.ReadKey();
string action = "NULL";
switch (cki.Key)
case ConsoleKey.N:
// N was pressed, set action to new
action = "NEW";
case ConsoleKey.Q:
// return from Main Method, effectively exiting from application
case ConsoleKey.C:
// return from Main Method, effectively exiting from application
action = "CLEAR";
// something wrong was pressed
action = "NULL";
if (action == "NULL")
// continue in loop, effectively giving user prompt again
Console.WriteLine("The key pressed is not accepted, try again.");
if (action == "CLEAR")
// optionally clear console
// create List to hold numbers that were put in
List<int> parsedNumbers = new();
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("\rPlease type the GLS parcel number without the checksum (or press q and enter to quit):");
// get input from user
string input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input == "q")
// user pressed q, exit
if (input == null || input == "")
// nothing was put in, rerun loop and let user retry
// clear number list to make sure the numbers don't overlap from previous attempt
// split all characters into individual strings
string[] splitCharacters = input.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray();
// do more validation
foreach (string character in splitCharacters)
int parsedNum;
if (int.TryParse(character, out parsedNum))
// number is valid, add to parsednumbers list
// ensure we got 11 digits, because that is the length of the GLS number without checksum
if (parsedNumbers.Count != 11 || parsedNumbers.Count != splitCharacters.Length)
// number of digits is not correct, let the user retry
// add variable to hold sum of result of multiplication
// initial value is 1 because then we can skip adding 1 later on
int tempSum = 1;
// we now know we have exactly 11 digits
for (int i = 0; i < parsedNumbers.Count; i++)
int thisNumber = parsedNumbers[i];
if (i % 2 == 0)
// if index is even, multiply with 3
thisNumber *= 3;
// add maybe multiplied number to temporary sum variable
tempSum += thisNumber;
// modulo 10 the sum
int tempSumMod10 = tempSum % 10;
// subtract mod 10 from 10, mod 10 again to remove 10 if the initial mod 10 result is 0
int checksum = (10 - tempSumMod10) % 10;
// write results to console
Console.WriteLine("The calculated checksum is: -----------" + checksum);
Console.WriteLine("The entire parcel number should be: " + input + checksum);
// print newlines to console for some space
// calculation is done, break out of loop, go back to initial new/clear/quit prompt